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Equity, Diversity, Inclusion + Anti-racism

Equity, diversity, inclusion, and antiracism are true to our mission. Hear what our faculty and residents have to say about EDIA.

Hana Khidir, MD

“I care deeply about EDIA because it is the path to dismantling structural systems that promote health inequity. When we promote equity for those who are most in need and those most disenfranchised, we will improve the wellbeing of everyone.”

Angela Ai, MD
Chief Resident

“Growing up as a first-generation LGBTQ Asian American, I was very aware of the barriers that people could face in society. Being a resident and now chief resident at Olive View has allowed me to meet people from many backgrounds and given me the opportunity to help patients who are in the most need. EDIA is not just a collection of letters, it is the way of life here at Olive View.”

Claudia Cabrera, MD
Primary Care Faculty

“I decided to complete a GIM fellowship to focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion, which are fundamental in addressing health disparities among the most vulnerable communities. With that, I strive to focus on efforts that address social determinants of health and advocate for the diversification of the medical field, as a means to achieve health justice.”

Eeman Khorramian, MD
Resident Physician

“I worked in refugee camps on the Greek islands of Lesbos and Samos as a medical translator for Afghan and Iranian refugees, which shaped my perspective on healthcare. EDIA is important to me because it allows us to celebrate the unique perspectives that everyone brings and I am excited to work with people who are passionate about the same topics as me.”

Integrated in the Curriculum

Residents train in implicit bias and partake in resident-led journal club as part of the curriculum.

In addition, Drs. Georgie and Khidir have taken a lead in implementing the anti-racism curriculum. Topics include:

  • Origin of Racist Ideas in America
  • Privilege & Disadvantage
  • Race-based Practices in Medicine
  • Immigration & Refugee Health
  • Bias in Documentation

For those seeking to take action to address health disparities, the Olive View program also offers engagement with local partnerships and state/national advocacy work through the Healthcare Leadership & Advocacy Track.

Across the Health System

LA County is engaged in a broad initiative to champion equity, diversity, inclusion, and antiracism. Dr. Soma Wali, Chair of the Department of Medicine, and Dr. Hana Khidir have taken lead locally to advance these efforts. Olive View is a recognized HRC equality leader, supporting LGBTQ+ patients, staff, and community members. In addition, faculty undergo training in implicit bias as part of faculty development.