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Welcome to UCLA-Olive View Internal Medicine!

We are excited to meet you! Whether you’re interested in working with the underserved population, destined for a career in academics, desire a strong foundation in Internal Medicine, or something else, we look forward to hearing about your passion for internal medicine. Likewise, we want to share more about what our program has to offer.

We are offering remote video interviews and virtual orientation only for this interview season. Interviews will be conducted from October 2023 through January 2024.

On this page, you will find more information about what to expect for our interview process.

Interview Process

Here is a snapshot of the interview process.
(More details below)

Schedule Interview

You should have received an email from Thalamus GME.  We are using Thalamus as a platform to schedule interviews.  Follow the instructions to register and select an interview date.

Online Orientation

Before your scheduled interview, we will send a Welcome Letter with a link to the Online Orientation. The orientation supplements this website and includes useful information for you to have before Interview Day.

Interview Day

The virtual meeting will be a 4-hour block from 9AM-1PM PST through Zoom.  You will have the opportunity to meet the program directors, housestaff, and have one-on-one interviews.  The agenda will be detailed in the Welcome Letter.

Rank Olive View

After you’ve interviewed, you’re ready to rank Olive View in NRMP. In the meantime, you are welcome to join our celebratory events, revisit our Online Orientation, and follow us on Instagram.

We also invite you to the any of the celebratory events before or after your interview day (optional).


1. Scheduling the Interview

Register and login at to schedule your Interview Day.

Thalamus will allow you to seamlessly sign-up and modify your interview date. Please note all times are Pacific Time (local time in Los Angeles). Interviews will begin at 9:00 AM PST.

If an interview date is full, you may place yourself on the waiting list for that date, and then Thalamus will notify you if the date opens up. If you cannot cancel an interview, that means it is too close to the interview date to cancel through Thalamus. In this case, email us directly at, and we will work with you to reschedule. If none of the available interview dates works for you, also email us at so we can try to accommodate you.

You will receive an email reminder from Thalamus about one week before your scheduled interview.


2. The Welcome Letter

You will receive the Welcome Letter by email 1-4 days before your scheduled Interview Day.

The letter will provide instructions for the Online Orientation, agenda for Interview Day, and specific instructions to connect remotely to Interview Day.


3. Reviewing the Online Orientation

The Orientation will offer further insights into our residency program. This includes more information about our clinical rotations and call schedules. You’ll also have a chance to meet some of us through videos. The Orientation supplements things you may have already reviewed on this website.

<!– Access the Online Orientation here after you’ve received the Welcome Letter. If you have any issues with access, please email our program coordinator directly at–>

Please review, sign, and return the Recording Agreement (see below).


4. Interview Day

Interview Day is an open house into the Olive View Internal Medicine Residency!

We will be conducting the virtual interviews through Zoom. Get prepared with the Welcome Letter. It will provide you links to connect to us virtually and information about your scheduled one-on-one interviewers (please note things are subject to change). Feel free to review interviewing tips and troubleshooting below before your interview.

Interviews are scheduled 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time. All times are local to Los Angeles.


Which Interview Group Will You Belong To?

The interview group will determine your Interview Day agenda. Since you will not be visiting us in Los Angeles, we thought we would name the groups after our favorite places in LA (other than work). You’ll find your interview group in the Welcome Letter.





5. After the Interview

Once you have interviewed, you are ready to rank us in NRMP! And if you’d like to taste more of the Olive View culture, you are invited to join us during one of our celebratory Meet & Greet events (see below).


ACGME Program Code
NRMP Categorical Internal Medicine Track (3 years)2950140C0
NRMP Preliminary Medicine Track (1 year)2950140P0
NRMP Preliminary Medicine/Neurology Track (1 year)
for UCLA Neurology Applicants
NRMP Preliminary Medicine/Ophthalmology Track (1 year)
for UCLA Ophthalmology Applicants

Rank Info NRMP 

We adhere to recommended guidelines for no in-person interviews or second-looks during this interview season due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We also do not require or expect follow-up emails or letters. We understand that you are applying to many programs and assume that you will express your interest to us during the interviews. Follow-up contact is only needed for major life or application changes. But if you want to express a particular connection to our program, have additional questions, or for any other post-interview communication, please email our Program Manager, Gus Chavez, at

Celebration Events

Our Olive View community is excited to share more about what it means to be a physician at Olive View! So, we invite you to these celebratory, virtual meet-and-greet events on Zoom.

Happy Hour
with OV Chiefs and Residents

Learn more about life in and outside of work directly from our housestaff. Feel free to enjoy a drink with us.

Celebrating EDI, URiM, Latinx

Meet residents and faculty who are interested in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) or identify as Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine (URiM). You will also have the opportunity to learn more about the Latinx identity for patients, residents, and faculty.

Invitations and sign-up are included in your Thalamus invitation to interview. Please use the Thalamus Smart Calendar to sign up for these events. You may sign up for more than one event. Attendance is optional—please do update your RSVP in Thalamus if need to cancel in order to open up spots for other applicants.

Visiting Olive View

We will be offering in-person visits at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in February after we have locked our Program Rank List. This is an opportunity for you to look at our hospital and clinics. Additional details will be sent out after you have interviewed.

Recording Agreement

Please read and electronically submit this agreement prior to your Interview Day.

Recording Agreement

Tips + Troubleshooting
for the Zoom Interview

We understand that technical difficulties do occur sometimes (e.g. lost connection, clicking the wrong button). We will work with you to resolve issues as they arise. If we cannot find you in the Zoom meeting, we will call you at your preferred number.  If you are unable to connect to the Zoom meeting and do not hear from us after a couple of minutes, please call us in the Department of Medicine at 747-210-3205.

  • Make sure you have a reliable internet connection.
  • Make sure you have a quiet place to conduct the interview, free from distractions and interruptions.
  • For good screen presence, we recommend the following:
    • good lighting on your face
    • avoiding strong backlighting
    • elevating your camera to eye level
    • professional attire consistent with any in-person interview
  • We recommend you print the Welcome Letter and have it handy on Interview Day.  The letter will be emailed to you before your interview and include the Zoom meeting ID’s and agenda for the day.
  • Feel free to have prewritten notes handy during the interview.
  • Feel free to take notes during the interview.
  • Have your phone ready in case of technical issues.
  • Please rename yourself by preferred first name then last name. To do this in the meeting, click on Participants on the toolbar, hover over your name, click the More button, and select Rename. Zoom Support Reference
  • We recommend you be familiar with Breakout Rooms on Zoom. Once assigned to a Breakout Room, you may join or leave the Breakout Room. Usually you will get a pop-up box asking you to join the Breakout Room—go ahead click Join. Sometimes you will not get a pop-up box—in this case, click on the Breakout Room button in the toolbar. Zoom Support Reference
  • If you accidentally leave the Breakout Room, click on the Breakout Room button to rejoin.
  • If you get disconnected during the interview, try to immediately reconnect to the Zoom Meeting. Once you enter the Zoom meeting room, ask the program coordinator to reassign you to the appropriate breakout room. If you are unable to reconnect or enter the Zoom meeting, we will attempt to reach you by mobile phone.  If you are unable to connect to the Zoom meeting and do not hear from us after a couple minutes, please call the Department of Medicine office at 747-210-3205.
  • If the disruption occurs during the one-on-one interview, we may complete the interview over the phone.
  • If you need additional assistance, please call the Department of Medicine office at 747-210-3205. You will then be connected to our program coordinator.